A cascading branch of fuschia, the beautiful purple, magenta and vermillion upside-dowm, pinched petals of these magnificent flowers are like none other. This painting was inspired one Mother's Day when my children were fully grown, and I reminisced of the days when together they would rush to choose a special fuschia plant for me from their school plant sale every holiday. My garden and gazebo were then filled with color, and much of it came from the beautful fuschia that draped the nearby towering oaks flanking the stairs to our outdoor diningroom. When my eldest daughter moved to a new apartment, I couldn't imagine a better addition for her white walls than a watercolor impression of the gifts that she and her siblings so often chose for me so long ago. "Fuschia" is a tribute to the warm, floral Mother's Day memories of the occasions I fondly remember.
I can see this painting in any setting, particularly one with pale walls, and warm pink, lilac, lavender and pewter undertones.. The warm colors are peacetul and inspire the beauty of late spring, and the arrival of this magnificent cascading plant.
Dimensions: 18" x 24" Cost: $375